Enhancing Your Child's Learning Experience with Multisensory Instruction

Hey, have you heard about this multisensory instruction thing?

It is definitely a buzz word right now in education! And for good reasons! 

In the realm of education, multisensory instruction has emerged as a powerful and effective approach to engage children in the learning process. LOVE! 

This method is all about using as many senses as you can at the same time. You know, like tasting, touching, seeing, hearing, and even moving. 

Did you know that kids can boost their brain power and learn like crazy when they use their senses? It's true!

Touching, hearing, smelling, seeing, and even tasting can help their brains fire on all cylinders and make all those important connections!

Curious about the perks, huh?

As parents, you want the most bang for your buck. You may be limited on time or have a struggling reader you are trying to help. This kind of instruction is CRAZY effective! 

Research suggests that when all four regions of the brain associated with different senses are activated during learning, synapses are formed more efficiently. This means that multisensory instruction not only makes the learning process more enjoyable but also enhances the effectiveness of knowledge retention.

*This approach is particularly beneficial for children who may be struggling with traditional reading and writing methods.This way of learning is especially great for kids that might have a hard time learning how to read and write in the usual way.

Ok…but how does it work??

You know that traditional teaching style where you just sit and listen? Well, multisensory instruction is totally different. It's all about getting students to use more than one sense at the same time. For instance, when learning a new sound, children might speak it aloud (verbal), observe the corresponding letter or picture (visual), and physically write it on a textured surface like sandpaper (movement/tactile). The synergy of these sensory experiences creates a dynamic learning environment that positively impacts cognitive function.These cool sensory experiences work together to make learning more fun and effective, and can even help them think better!

This is all sounding awesome but how can I incorporate it at home?

Here are some cool ideas to spice up your child's learning routine and turn their home into a sensory playground!

  • Allow your child to write sounds in the air using their dominant arm and big movements

  • Use materials like sand or colored rice on a cookie sheet, paper plate, or low container for your kiddo to trace in

  • Have them trace on foam or scrapbook paper for a different tactile experience.

  • In the car? Write on the back of the seat in the car

  • Waiting at the doctors office? Write on the carpet.

  • Bath time? Trace on top of the water.

  • Try writing in shaving cream for a messy yet engaging activity that also cleans the table

  • Make it edible! Trace in foods like jello powder, hot chocolate mix, peanut putter, yogurt, dry oats, sprinkles, whipped cream, crushed crackers, or applesauce! 

VERY IMPORTANT Steps to Trace and write sounds:

  1. Your child will use their “writing finger” (index finger on their dominant hand) 

  2. Display the letter card in front of them (only use letters that they have been introduced to)

  3. Have them say, “___ spells ___” (Ex: k spells /k/) (This is a VERY important step! It adds in the verbal piece).

  4. Your child will “erase” their letter when they are done

  5. Go to the next letter card! 

These are great activities as warm-ups or when you have a few minutes here and there! These are awesome activities to do as warm-ups or when you have a few minutes to spare here and there!

Wanting more?!?

Click here for A Parent's Guide to Multisensory Learning! It also includes some free printable letter cards!! YAY!!

Hello, World!


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