The Summer Slide: How Kids Lose Learning Over the Break (and How to Help Stop It!)

As the weather warms up and the days get longer, kids everywhere are super excited for summer break, right? It's time to kick back, relax, and have some major fun. But here's the thing: there's this thing called the "summer slide" that can happen. It means that kids can lose some of their academic skills over the summer (this applies to homeschool families as well!). Let's dive into what this slide is and what parents and teachers can do to help.

Understanding the Summer Slide

Research (from an NWEA assessment) has shown that students typically lose about one to three months of learning over the summer, with the greatest losses in math and reading skills. WOW!!! This is their hard work slipping away!


The brain is constantly changing and adapting, a phenomenon known as neuroplasticity. Basically, if certain skills are not reinforced through continuous practice, the brain may prioritize other connections and pathways, leading to the weakening or loss of those skills. 

Our brains also have limited capacity, and without regular practice, certain skills can be pushed aside to make room for new information.

Think of your brain as a muscleif you don't use it, it can weaken

When we stop practicing something, our brain starts to forget it. Remember when we were once able to memorize phone numbers back in the day??

So, the whole "summer slide" thing is a real problem but we can totally do something about it!

Combating the Summer Slide 

No matter how you are feeling about summer...I want to help support you and your child with limiting any learning loss with some tips! 

  • Encourage Reading: Reading is one of the most effective ways to prevent the summer slide. Encourage children to read for pleasure during the summer months by providing them with access to a variety of books and visiting the local library regularly. Try to incorporate 10-15 mins a day to some quiet reading time. OR make it fun by reading as a family, acting out the stories they just read, reading aloud, etc...

  • Create Learning Opportunities: Look for educational activities and programs in your community that can keep children engaged and learning over the summer. This could include summer camps, workshops, or online learning platforms. Check out my favorite online platform here. Summer camps can get a little pricey so check your local library for some free events or ask in your local Facebook group if anyone knows of local events.

  • Limit Screen Time: Don’t come at me for this one! While it's tempting to let children spend hours in front of screens during the summer, excessive screen time can contribute to the summer slide. Try to set limits on screen time and encourage children to spend time outdoors and engage in hands-on activities.

  • Make Learning Fun: THIS IS MY FAVORITE TIP! Learning doesn't have to be boring! Look for fun and engaging ways to incorporate learning into everyday activities, such as cooking, gardening, or exploring nature. Get creative with it!

Dedicated Phonics Time: Try to incorporate some dedicated time to phonics everyday and you will see great results! Aiming for 5-10 minutes of uninterrupted time will be a game changer for your child, and 10 minutes can easily turn into more when you are having fun! 

Still worried about the summer slide? Did you know you can help your child read in less than 10 minutes a day?! Did you know there are other ways for your child to read than reading a book?

Here’s a myth - There’s no way my young child can keep learning when they’re not in school.


  • If you’re worried about your kids getting bored over the summer…

  • If you’re trying to avoid screen time and reinforce reading skills over the summer…

  • If you’re overwhelmed already with ideas to keep your kids busy all summer…

THEN, I’ve created the perfect resource for you!

I have created a packet of insanely easy and effective learning activities for pre-readers and beginning readers (think preschool, kindergarten, and first grade) that I think will help put a stop to the summer slide! Everything you need!

Bursting with engaging activities targeting crucial EARLY literacy skills, this packet is your child's ticket to a summer filled with play-based learning (i.e. no worksheets)! 

These activities are…

  • Designed to be both educational and enjoyable, so your child won't even realize they're learning!

  • Created to be completed in 2-10 minutes and can happen almost anywhere!

  • Written easy-to-follow instructions and minimal prep!

  • Parent-Approved! 

  • PLUS - exclusives and freebies to keep you and your kid’s reading brain active all summer.

Don't let the summer slide sneak up on you! Invest in your child's future today with this packet of over 50 activities and make this summer one to remember for all the right reasons. 

For less than $20, you’re getting proven, expert methods that will engage your child’s curiosity and reading brain. My product is chocked full of science-backed, teacher-approved, student-tested activities!

What you get…

  • 50 super easy, yet very effective early literacy activities! I tell you the goal of the activity, and what you need, include super easy steps, and tips for that activity, plus include a picture (because who doesn’t appreciate a visual!)

  • Reading Basics for Early Readers: I tell you the basics about phonological awareness, letter knowledge, phonemic awareness, and phonics. 

  • Printables Galore!


  • Alphabet tracking chart

  • Alphabet Cards 

  • Wordlists (so you never run out of ideas of words for your child to practice)

  • Alphabet Chart

  • Letter Sorts 

  • Sound Boxes

This is countless hours of expertise that can’t be quantified and I’m offering for less than $20! WHY?!?!?I wanted to make sure every family has the tools to make reading fun and avoid the summer slide and push forward in their reading journey!

Here’s the tough truth you probably already know. If you want different results you need to do something different. Make a definitive decision right now to get different results! Get this packet today and join your reader on their journey; there’s no better time to start than in the summer!

P.S. I’m convinced YOU can get your child reading this summer!


Starting Strong: The Importance of Letter Knowledge in Early Childhood


Building Blocks of Literacy: 7 Ways to Use Magna-Tiles to Boost Reading Skills